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Professional Learning Events

New to Wisdomwhere?

You must have a Wisdomwhere account to register for any of the Lenawee ISD Professional Learning Center's workshops. If you need to create an account, click on the word "Logon" in the top navigation bar above our logo, then "Create Account."

To navigate Wisdomwhere more easily, please note:

  1. Microsoft Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox are recommended for use with this site.
  2. Your pop-up blocker(s) must be set to allow pop-ups from
    to view error messages generated by Wisdomwhere.


Forgot your User ID and/or Password?

If you don´t know or remember your User ID and/or Password, please click on the word  "Logon" in the top navigation bar above our logo, the under "Forget Your User ID and/or Password?" enter your email address and click "Email My Password." You should receive your login information within 2-3 minutes if the email address you entered matches the email address on your Wisdomwhere account.


PIC Numbers

To earn State Continuing Education Credit Hours (SCECHs) for classes which offer them, you must include your PIC number on the registration form provided the day of the training - credit cannot be uploaded without your PIC number.

If you do not know what your PIC number is, you can visit the Michigan Department of Education website for instructions on locating it:

Locating an Upcoming Training

  1. Click on the Events link in the top navigation bar above our logo.
  2. Enter a Keyword if you're searching for a specific class, or leave it blank.
  3. Choose the Date Range you're searching.
  4. Choose a View By type - Event Title, Category or Month.
  5. Click the Search button.

Events are displayed differently depending on the View By type you choose.

  • Event Title - displays alphabetically by name of the event.
  • Category - displays alphabetically grouped by category (i.e., Data & Assessment, Literacy, Technology in the Classroom, etc.).
  • Month - displays workshops alphabetically in the month selected, or in a "Calendar View."

Need to Cancel a Registration?

To cancel your registration for a class, please follow these steps:

  1. Logon to Wisdomwhere.
  2. Click the Modify/Unregister button in the left navigation pane.
  3. Click the Change button next to the class you're withdrawing from.
  4. Click the Unregister From Event button.
  5. Click the OK button to confirm the cancellation.

An on-screen confirmation message will display confirming your registration has been cancelled.

Want a Certificate of Completion?

To print or save a Certificate of Completion for any or all LISD-sponsored workshops, follow the steps below.

  1. Login to Wisdomwhere.
  2. Click the Complete button in the left navigation pane.
  3. Enter the date you want to begin looking at your training log, or leave blank.
  4. Click the View Log button.
  5. Locate the training for which you want a certificate.
  6. Click on the document icon in the "Certificates" column, second from the right.
  7. Your certificate(s) can be opened or saved in pdf format.


In the event of Inclement Weather

The LISD Professional Learning does not cancel scheduled programs and activities based solely on school closures or an inclement weather forecast. . .multiple factors are considered before a decision is made to delay or cancel a professional learning event.

  • If a decision is made to cancel or delay, an announcement will be made on WLEN-103.9 FM, by 7:00 a.m. on the morning of the event, and will specify the name of the workshop
  • Registrants will also receive an email to their address connected to their WisdomWhere accounts.


Participants with Disabilities

If you have physical or dietary disabilities, please notify LISD Professional Learning staff with any specific need before the workshop you are planning to attend so we have time to make appropriate accommodations.  Thank you!


Secretaries - Need to Register Multiple Staff?

If you need to register multiple staff for your school district, please contact Julie Burkeen at 517-265-1611 or by email before you begin.  



Contact Us

Lenawee Intermediate School District
Professional Learning Center
4107 N. Adrian Hwy.
Adrian, MI 49221

Follow the LISD PL Center on social media!

Twitter: @LISD_PL_Center

LISD Nondiscrimination Statement - The Lenawee Intermediate School District (LISD) does not discriminate in any of its educational
programs and services, activities, or employment practices, on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin / ancestry, religion,
height, weight, marital status, age, limited English-speaking ability, sexual orientation, or disability.  Direct inquiries to:  Executive
Director of Staff Resources, Lenawee Intermediate School District, 4107 N. Adrian Hwy., Adrian, MI  49221, (517) 265-2119.  Persons
with hearing impairments, please call the Michigan Relay Center at (800) 649-3777 (TDD).

Declaración de No Discriminación del LISD
- El Distrito Escolar Intermedio de Lenawee (LISD) no discrimina en ninguno de sus
programas o servicios educativos, actividades, o prácticas de empleo sobre la base de género, raza, color, origen nacional /
ascendencia, religión, estatura, peso, estado civil, edad, la habilidad limitada de hablar inglés, orientación sexual, o incapacidad.  Para
conseguir más información:  Executive Director of Staff Resources, Lenawee Intermediate School District, 4107 N. Adrian Hwy.,
Adrian, MI  49221, (517) 265-2119.  Personas con problemas de audición, por favor llamen al Michigan Relay Center (800) 649-3777


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