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Session Details

CoP: ISD MTSS Coordinator

  • Event Information
    CoP: ISD MTSS Coordinator

    MTSS Coordination is a unique and important role. These sessions will provide the space for MTSS Coordinators from ISDs across the state to come together to engage in learning and share experiences as well as lessons learned. These sessions are designed to support coordinators in advancing MTSS implementation in their regions and also provide opportunities to lift up challenges that are preventing MTSS scale up efforts.

    MTSS Essential Component(s) Addressed: Team-Based Leadership

    Stage of Implementation: Installation

    Level of Educational Cascade: Regional


    Target Audience
    ISD MTSS Coordinators
    Learner Outcomes
    1. Understand the primary activities MTSS Coordinators are engaged in to advance MTSS
    2. Sharing experiences, lessons learned and current efforts to prepare an annual MTSS report
    3. Gather ideas and resources from across the state to support regional MTSS implementation and scale-up efforts
    4. Inform future technical assistance offered by the MiMTSS TA Center

Event Session Information
Days 4
Scheduled Date(s)/Time(s)
09/14/2023 9:00 AM-11:00 AM EST Via Zoom
12/05/2023 9:00 AM-11:00 AM EST Via Zoom
02/13/2024 9:00 AM-11:00 AM EST Via Zoom
05/29/2024 9:00 AM-11:00 AM EST Via Zoom
Title ISD MTSS Coordinator Community of Practice Series
Session Contact MiMTSS TA Center
Instructor(s) Matt Hoge
Sam Patton

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