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Creating a Comprehensive Assessment System Series

Over the course of two sessions participants will learn the critical features that are needed to create a comprehensive assessment system. This will include learning about the role and functions of different types of assessments to inform decision making at the school and district level. The interactive sessions will also have participants reflect on the assessments they currently use in their district. They will determine if have a robust process to select and de-select assessments. Finally, the participants consider how the ongoing professional learning and family engagement opportunities they have and can enhance in the future.

MTSS Essential Component(s) Addressed:

Comprehensive Screening and Assessment System

 Stage of Implementation:

Installation, Initial Implementation, Full Implementation

Level of Educational Cascade:

District and School

Target Audience
District Leadership responsible for assessment
Learner Outcomes

By the end of this series, participants will:
1.Understand the role of student and system assessment

2.Create a shared understanding of a comprehensive assessment system

3.Explore tools and processes to inventory, align, and review assessments

4.Explore district and schools’ capacity to coordinate the assessment and data collection

5.Create a master assessment system with all student and system assessments

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Instructor Led Sessions
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09/19/2024 9:00 AM-11:00 AM2Via Zoom Creating a Comprehensive Assessment System Fall Series 9999

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