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Event Details

Behavior Escalation & Scripts

This event is co-sponsored by START and the MiMTSS Technical Assistance Center. 

Educators understand that a consistent, predictable, and positive environment sets students up for success and prevents many behavioral challenges. But what happens when it doesn’t? This two-part series will cover the cycle of behavioral escalation, including the course it takes, the behaviors that students engage in during that course, and what appropriate adult responses are needed.

MTSS Essential Component(s) Addressed:

Tiered Delivery System
Selection & Implementation of Instruction, Intervention, & Supports

Stage of Implementation:


Level of Educational Cascade:


Target Audience
General and special education teachers, administrators, paraprofessionals, behavior specialists and interventionists, coaches, and ancillary service providers.
Learner Outcomes
By the end of this session, participants will:
1. Develop universal prevention, teaching and response scripts to promote consistency and self-regulation of students and adults
2. Apply script development to the prevention of and consistent response to challenging behavior
No Sessions available for registration.

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