The Adaptive Schools Foundation Seminar
presents a productive, practical set of ideas and tools to develop
collaborative groups, allowing them to become effective and better equipped to
resolve complex student learning issues. The work of the Adaptive Schools
Seminar is to develop the resources and capacities of the organization and of
individuals to cohesively respond to the changing needs of students and
This is a 4 day training.
Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) Tenets
Safe, Engaged, and Supported
October 1 - (rescheduled)
Day 1 - November 13
Day 2 –
December 12 – canceled due to weather
Day 2 - January 9
Day 3 - February 27
Day 4 - May 22 - NEW DATE
8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Char-Em ISD Charlevoix
Teachers grades pre K-12, administrators, counselors, ISD staff, paraprofessionals, support staff, and community partners/agencies
Pam Ciganick, Char-Em ISD Associate Trainer for Adaptive Schools