Region 8 Education Service Center
True North is a constant. It is always present. Knowing True North, one can always navigate their way, regardless of the starting point. For students to find their True North, it takes more than just guidance counselors. This year, we will be offering two support strands that expand the conversations. All counselors, mental health providers and school leaders are invited to join us. You can choose just one strand or both.
AEN Support Network Strand-these meetings will focus on Emotional Wellbeing through the lens of Applied Education Neuroscience. There are 10 key concepts we will be exploring about our schools' readiness and capacity to successfully create a culture of care which directly impacts learning and achievement. Participants will process the concepts collaboratively and leave with practical resources and a menu of strategies. Two meetings will be in person and two meetings will be virtual.
GPS Communities of Practice Strand-take a deeper dive into Indiana's new GPS. The initial iteration of Indiana's GPS school district dashboard is scheduled to be released this fall. Join us for this ongoing conversation designed to help school districts leverage the GPS dashboard data into larger community engagement and commitment. For too long, districts have been judged by letter grades. The new GPS dashboard empowers you to tell the story of your schools through a new lens. Let's learn from and support each other. All meetings will be virtual one-hour sessions.