Registrations for this session are closed.
Explicit Literacy Instruction Using Fundations
- Event Information
Explicit Literacy Instruction Using Fundations
St Vrain’s priority is for all students to become proficient readers and writers. This training provides teachers and administrators with the science and research behind the importance of systematic and explicit foundational skills instruction. In addition, understandings of the interconnectedness of all five components of reading will be developed. Participants will learn the implementation of the Wilson Fundations instructional program to support explicit foundational skills instruction in St Vrain. This class will take place online using a Webex virtual platform and include synchronous (1.5 hours) and asynchronous (6 hours) sessions. No out-of-district attendees.
Target Audience
Limited to K-3 Teachers, Elementary Literacy Teachers, Elementary Special Education Teachers, ELL Teachers and Administrators. No out-of-district attendees.
Scheduled Date(s)/Time(s)
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8:30 AM-9:30 AM
Start Date. Synchronous (1.5 hours) and asynchronous (5.5 hours) sessions
On-Line Course - No Meeting Location
4:15 PM-5:00 PM
End Date.
On-Line Course - No Meeting Location
Summer 2024
Kathy McCall Shane Saeed
Registrations for this session are closed.