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iPads in Action: Educator Learning Center

  • Event Information
    iPads in Action: Educator Learning Center

    These Apple webinar series cover a wealth of topics that include skill training to lesson integration.

    An up-to-date iPad will be needed for the best experience. 

Event Session Information
Days 1
Scheduled Date/Time
09/05/2024 8:00 AM-9:15 AM Live webinar is 75 minutes. Apple specialists will stay on for an additional 15 minutes to answer questions. Virtual
Title Productivity for School Leaders: Leading an iPad school
Session 20241613
Seats Remaining 39
Session Contact Melinda Waffle
Instructor(s) Kip Keckler
1.5 SCECHs
Description: Participants must login to the session within the first 5 minutes in order to be eligible for SCECHs. 1.5 SCECH available for attendance and successful completion of post-webinar activity.

Being a Principal of a 1:1 iPads school has many challenges. This session will explore some of those challenges and offer creative solutions and provide resources to help you make the most of your technology. If possible, join the webinar with a device other than your iPad so you can use it for hands-on experiences during the session.

Apps Needed
Freeform, Numbers, Books


Important Information
Each live webinar  is 75 minutes. Apple specialists will stay on for an additional 15 minutes to answer questions. Earn up to 24 SCECHs by attending each of the 16 unique sessions (you may attend the same session in both May and September, but can only earn SCECHs for it once). To earn SCECHs for a session, attend the webinar and follow up by submitting the post-webinar task.

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Contact Us

REMC Association of Michigan
Erin Rommeck
Ph: 517-376-2002

: Developed by Solutionwhere Inc. Copyright 1996-2025

For assistance with registration contact:
Erin Rommeck,, 517-376-2002