Wisdomwhere updates for August 2020
New Features
Event Approvals
You can give users the ability to create events that aren't available to the public until the event is approved. You can assign Event Approval rights to users. They can either approve events or require approval for events they create. Users that require approval can create events as normal, but the event must be approved before it’s shown to the public. We'll be adding more features to the approval system in the near future.
Attendance Codes
We’ve had attendance codes available in conjunction with a required evaluation for several years, but now you can use an attendance code independent of the evaluation. Additionally, there is now a button to generate the codes automatically. You can create your own codes if you prefer.
When looking at a registrant's Upcoming and Inprogress sessions on the admin side, there was no easy way to get to the actual registration record. We've added a link for RegNum: XXXXX under the event name that will take you directly to the registration page.
Online Sessions
Online Sessions If you have an online session that opens for registration earlier than when you want people to actually start the class, but there isn’t a specific time required, you can add a session date with start and end times of 12:00 AM. The system will hide the times in all public views.
The session list now includes a count of the registrants and links to the public session page and the admin registration page. When a session has an attendance code, you will see a barcode icon in the Status column.
There is now an “Important Information” field available for sessions. The text is shown in a well-highlighted section for both event and conference sessions.
There is a new email template for sending a post-approval notice to registrants, so you can send a different email from the pre-approval response.
Administrator approvers can delete Workflow requests.
Any custom form field can be included and searched in the workflow reports.
Registrant Summary Report
The registrant's email address has been added to the Registrant Summary Report. Besides just totaling the units earned for each registrant in a given date range, it's a good way to see how many unique registrants have enrolled in your sessions.
Attendance Sheets
You can add a custom note to each attendance sheet.
When the professional ID is blank, a line is shown so that the participant can write theirs in.
MOECS Export (Michigan only)
You can now indicate whether to include units or hours in the export file.
Units now have a few options available to indicate which column should be populated in the export. The default value is General SCECH. The choices are:
- General SCECHs
- College Preparation and Selection SCECHs
- Career Exploration SCECHs
- Military Options SCECHs
As a reminder, in order for a session to be available for export, there is a checkbox available in the session unit type section. The column may be named “SCECH”, “REP”, “SCR” or some variation of these. It must be checked for a session to show up for MOECS export. The column can be renamed if you like.
- The attendance code was not shown on the attendance page for online sessions with no days.
- Workflow requests weren’t displaying the date when there was more than one.
- Instructors were missing from Search by Instructor in the advanced search.