New Feature
Registrant Interests
Registrant can choose multiple interests. These can then be used in broadcast messages, group creation & registration, and custom reports
Public Search
- When you search on a keyword that doesn't appear in the dropdown, the results page now says "No events found. Click "Search Again" to broaden your search."
- Improved the visibility of the Search Again button.
- Master No Credit Conference Sessions
- The delete button is disabled on a Master No Credit session if there are Breakout sessions linked to it.
- The people icon is no longer displayed for this type of conference session because it used for grouping only and no one actually registers for these sessions.
- When editing a Master No Credit session the blue menu bar no longer contains Session Attendance, Unregister All Registrants and Register because those choices are not valid.
- The District Name is now centered on Name Badge for Avery Label 5395.
- The breadcrumb link for the Session List were going to the attendance page when navigating between attendance and sessions if admin users navigated to the Attendance page first.
- The Event List breadcrumb link went to the Session list when editing the session first and then navigating to the event.
- An error was intermittently not displayed while registering for event when a problem was encountered.
- Clicking an event link in an email would take users to the Registrant Log On page the first time it was clicked. The 2nd click took users to the event.
Export to Excel was not exporting all rows.
- Auto refresh the event maintenance screen when an event/conference is chosen in the dropdown.
- Removed a leading underlined space in email links on the public session details page.
- Only valid email addresses are now linked on the public session details page.
- Admin users were not returned to the cost unit grid when page when copying a previously a entered cost/unit record on the session maintenance page.
- New Conference Display
- Clicking "More Info" on a breakout session no longer checks the checkbox for registering into a session.
- The conflict resolution notice unchecked previous selections
- A conference disappeared when adding an incomplete conference.

New Feature
Registrant Interests
Administrators can add values for the registrant to choose on their profile or registration pages. The registrant can choose one or many interests. Interests can then be used to filter broadcast messages, group creation & registration, and custom reports.