Great School Jobs

Find Your Next Education Job
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Whether you are looking for a new job or you are a district looking for a new outlet to recruit professionals, Great School Jobs is the perfect FREE resource.
If you're looking for a job in education, completing the short-form profile (5 minutes) puts your basic credentials along with your attached Word.doc/txt resume in front of more than 18,000 districts throughout the country.
If you're a district, you'll be able to search the applicant databank at no charge at any time and your free job postings can attract potential candidates from every state in the nation. Please email us now for your free login ID and Password (districts and service organizations only).
- Post jobs
- View applications
- Create Review Committees
- Search for Candidates
- Send Broadcast Emails to Applicants
- Search for jobs
- Create a public or private profile
- Upload your resume
- Apply for jobs
While not mandatory to search for positions, taking the time to post at least your Short Profile (and attaching your resume to it) is a great idea; every school district in your state(s) of interest will be able to access the information you enter and can contact you easily by email or phone if it looks like a match.
If you find specific positions you're interested you can either contact the organization directly or edit and upgrade your Basic Profile to the Standard Profile and then "push" your detailed information to districts with a click of your mouse and alert them of your interest.
When you find a job, please make sure to inactivate your profile (we'll keep it on file for you for a year) - Districts like the fact that this free Applicant Data Bank is current and not filled with hundreds of profiles of people that have accepted jobs. Toward that end, you will be asked by the system every 60 days via email to verify that you're still available for employment.
Finally, please pass the word! Email the website to your associates and let them know about this new nationwide job posting system - the 15,000 school districts out there with free access to GreatSchoolJobs will appreciate it!