This release includes a few improvements and many bug fixes.
- Added a new column to attendance sheet to display registrants as “Last Name, First Name”
- Added a preview button to the attendance sheet setup
- Nightly emails timeout
- Client setting "Disable Email Confirmations How Many Days After Start Date" not being honored when adding a new event
- Interests only displayed when there is a sub-interest when adding or editing an event
- Calendar tab displaying when viewing by month even when the Calendar flag = False
- "Registration restricted to" displays when RestrictByBuilding = False when adding or editing an event
- Custom form field grid disappeared when deleting custom fields
- Totals are displayed on the admin side when HideCreditTotalsonTranscript = True
- Fix admin background gradient on Chrome
- Removed the PD Programs section on the Edit Events page
- Report Breadcrumb says Transcript regardless of origin page
- Conference confirmation email shows wrong session location
- Error received when searching by the instructor with an apostrophe in their name
- Waitlist message popped up on attendance page when the number of participants is equal to the max participants
- Registrants were sent to the login page after clicking to see event details
- Occasional errors on the admin Event Status Report when searching by Event.
- Custom reports needed the instructor number instead of name to find sessions
- Problem with the event drop-down when looking for past or expired sessions on the admin Registration Page
- Breadcrumbs did not match what was entered for the menu settings when the word “List” was included
- Incomplete events list did not show the unit type on the registrant's log
- Instructor bio displayed oddly during admin conference registration
- Custom report error when making changes to a new report
- Error during group registration when the special needs value was 0 for registrants
- Searching for events by Instructor didn't display the instructors in alphabetic order
- There was a space before email addresses with a hyperlink on public session details page
- Printing Mailing Labels and Name Badges showed events marked for Storage in the event dropdown when that choice wasn’t selected
- Team members were not sorted alphabetically on the admin team lists
- Removed the hardcoded text "All information subject to change.....This disclaimer is easily configurable by the system administrator!" from instructor sessions
- There was no breadcrumb link back to the User List when editing a user
- The instructor email address and home phone number were always displayed even if Public was not checked on the user maintenance screen
- When the public checkbox for Address was checked it only displayed the city and state field
- If the public checkbox for Work Phone and Fax was checked they were not displayed on the public side
- Removed the Instructor/Bio button and instead displayed text from the Bio/Info field in user maintenance on the public side
- Removed the Bio/Info label when that data is not entered
- The instructor name was not a clickable link to display the instructor bio information for conferences